Monday, October 18, 2010

How to Mat and Frame

Okay, so you have your beautiful painting, drawing or photo--and now what?  What are you going to do with it--it's not going to sit on your counter forever--mat and frame it!

One of the biggest challenges to hanging your prize is how to display it--and here are some easy measurement charts to show you how!

Border Finder

To find a good starting boarder for your mat, (the area around the edge of your mat board that will surround your painting or photo), add the length and width of the window to get the "united Inches", then read acros the row to find the boarder.  The
Starting Boarders' means how thick the border needs to be to balance your painting.

Window size in United Inches

Sometime you have a painting that just isn't 'standard' size.  It's a tad off the sizeframes  you'll find in the stores--no problem.  You can cut the inside mat to fit your painting, and the outside edge to fit the standard frame sizes pre-made in stores below.

Standard Frame Sizes

Now that you have your sizes of mat board that you want to cut out, here is how to get the most blanks, (usable parts of the board), without wasting any of that pricey paper:

I could go into precise cutting the the extreme importance of having super-sharp knives in your mat-board cutters, but that's another lesson.  Do remeber to have your area pristine clean, and a quick wash of the hands or clean gloves at the ready.  Mat board can pick up all sorts of things we wouldn't normally see--and who wants to be distracted by a dirty thumb print next to your beautiful work?
If I can be of further help, just leave me a note or email and I'll get right back to you.
